Barbara Alex Psychotherapist

Barbara Alex

About Barbara Alex

During the past 20 years, Barbara Alex has been a prominent therapist on the North Shore. Ms. Alex has been a leader in offering seminars to the public. Her topics have included establishing exceptional partnerships, parenting skills, negotiating and conflict resolution, developing a courtship model, understanding and managing anger.

Ms. Alex taught for 10 years, graduate levels classes at several North Shore and greater Boston colleges, including Salem State and Marion Court. She has worked as a consultant to corporations, among them General Electric, Para Research and CAB as well as hospitals and start up companies, to specifically address performance, production, motivation, employee retention and team leadership.

While attending seminars at Harvard University, she focused on the role of good parenting for the future of our society. She holds a Gold Certificate of Advanced Training in Psychotherapy. She has been cited for her outstanding contributions in helping individuals lead richer, more rewarding lives along with developing effective partnerships and exceptional parenting skills.

Offering psychotherapy to the communities north of Boston including:
Amesbury, Andover, North Andover, Beverly, beverly farms, Boston, Boxford, Burlington, Cambridge, Danvers, Essex, Georgetown,
Gloucester, Groveland, Hamilton, Ipswich, Lynnfield, Magnolia, Malden, Marblehead, Manchester-by-the-Sea, Medford, Melrose,
Middleton, Nahant, Newbury, North Reading, Peabody, Reading, Rockport, Rowley, Salem, Saugus, Somerville, Stoneham,
Swampscott, Topsfield, Wakefield, Wenham, West Newbury, Wilmington and Woburn, Massachusetts.

Barbara Alex Psychotherapist
PLEASE CALL OR TEXT 978-968-8426
© 2001-2011 Barbara Alex
Web site: Innovative Small Systems, Inc.